Tag Archives: facebook fandom

Demo-Graphics: The State of "Gamers" 2016

It’s been a little over a year since I did a report about “gamers” and with Gen Con kicking off today, it felt appropriate to visit this data. So, welcome to the third annual State of Gamers.

This data is gained through mining Facebook and includes over 175 different terms from a variety of games, publishers, and more. The terms I used are varied, and many, from the name of games to the name of publishers and terms like collectible card game. For this I did my best to stay away from generic terms for genres (like Fantasy) and terms that specifically mentioned video games. I also avoided games like Monopoly or Scategories, I wanted to focus on the games you’d find at Gen Con.

We’ll compare this report to last year’s data set.

Facebook Population: Over 33,000,000 in the United States

That’s some steady growth from last year with 2 million more individuals in the United States falling into this demographic.

Spanish speakers account for now 7.3 million fans. That’s 22.12% a vast increase from last year’s 12.58% in the United States.

Gender and Age

In 2015 Men accounted for 51.61% compared to women at 48.39%. That percentage shifted a bit from last year with men now accounting for 54.55% and women accounting for 45.45%

gamers facebook 8.3.16

We’ll next look at how the percentage of women and men break down through age. It’s similar but shifted. Women now become the majority around age 46 as opposed to around age 38 last year.

gamers facebook age gender 8.3.16

And the raw data below.

gamers facebook age gender raw 8.3.16

Relationship Status

The stats this year are very similar to last though those “Married” took a drop and those “Unspecified” increased.

gamers facebook relationship status 8.3.16


The education stats haven’t shifted much since last year.

gamers facebook education 8.3.16

Gender Interest

Women interested in women increased from last year while Men interested in Men and Men and Women interested in Men and Women all saw decreases.

gamers facebook gender interest 8.3.16


This is the second year for this data. African Americans saw big gains as well as Hispanics. Asian Americans saw a raw increase, but their percentage decrease.

gamers facebook ethnicity 8.3.16


Baby Boomers saw a sharp decrease over the last year dropping over 50%. Generation X also saw a bit of a dip, while Millennials saw an increase.

gamers facebook generation 8.3.16

And that wraps up our look at who the gamers are in the United States! Happy gaming!

Demo-Graphics: The State of “Gamers” 2015

It’s Monday and we’re looking at the latest Facebook Fandom breakdown. It’s been a year since I did a report about “gamers” in the lead up to Gen Con. So, welcome to the second annual State of Gamers.

This data is gained through mining Facebook and includes over 175 different terms from a variety of games, publishers, and more. The terms I used are varied, and many, from the name of games to the name of publishers and terms like collectible card game. For this I did my best to stay away from generic terms for genres (like Fantasy) and terms that specifically mentioned video games. I also avoided games like Monopoly or Scategories, I wanted to focus on the games you’d find at Gen Con.

We’ll compare this report to last year’s, but much has changed since then. Unlike the previous year, the technology platform to get the data has remained mostly unchanged, and the terms used also remain relatively the same (some have gone away, some are new).

Facebook Population: Over 31,000,000 in the United States

The amount of individuals who like these terms has increased from the previous year by 7 million.

Spanish speakers account for now 3.9 million fans, 12.58% in the United States. That’s an increase of 1.3 million since last year.

Gender and Age

In 2014 Men dominated as the majority with 55% compared to women at 44.17%. A year later and things have changed. Men now account for just 51.61% and women are 48.39%.

gamers facebook gender 7.27.15

We’ll next look at how the percentage of women and men break down through age.

gamers facebook gender age 7.27.15

Compared to last year, the graph above is very similar though the gap between men and women is less. What I do find interesting is that women really start to gain in population in the 26-29 segment, and the majority at 38-41. It would seem that women may come into board games later in life.

gamers facebook gender age raw 7.27.15

Relationship Status

The real shift from last year is that a greater percentage are married or unspecified compared to last year.

gamers facebook relationship status 7.27.15

And for those that like pie charts.gamers facebook relationship status pie chart 7.27.15



The education stats haven’t shifted much since last year, even with the surge of new folks.

gamers facebook education 7.27.15

Gender Interest

Those interested in the same gender has decreased percentage wise since last year, but the population has increased.

gamers facebook gender interest 7.27.15


This is a new data that wasn’t available last year. Below the data is presented without comparison due to that. I can say that the data is interesting compared to the general United States population. Both the African American and Asian American population are a smaller percentage compared to the general US population, but the Hispanic population is much greater.

gamers facebook ethnicity 7.27.15


Below are the stats of groups based off of their generation, another new statistic.

gamers facebook generation 7.27.15

And that wraps up our look at who the gamers are in the United States!

We’ll be returning with a new demographic break down of comic book fans this Saturday August 1!

Demo-Graphics: The State of "Gamers" 2014

It’s Monday and we’re looking at the latest Facebook Fandom breakdown. It’s been a year since I did a report about “gamers” in the lead up to Gen Con. So, welcome to the “first” annual State of Gamers.

This data is gained through mining Facebook and includes over 160 different terms from a variety of games, publishers, and more. The terms I used are varied, and many, from the name of games to the name of publishers and terms like collectible card game. For this I did my best to stay away from generic terms for genres (like Fantasy) and terms that specifically mentioned video games. I also avoided games like Monopoly or Scategories, I wanted to focus on the games you’d find at Gen Con.

We’ll compare this report to last year’s, but much has changed since then. The terms used have changed as well as improvements to Facebook’s algorithm and system. So, changes may be due to that, and not due to general gains in the industry.

Facebook Population: Over 24,000,000 in the United States

The fandom for board games it would seem is about the same as the general comic fan population, whose size we got the same way. Since last year the population has increased by about 14 million, though that’s mostly the changes in Facebook algorithm.

Spanish speakers account for now 2.6 million fans, 10.83% in the United States.

Gender and Age

In 2013 Men dominated as the majority with 61.54%. Things have changed since then as men now account for 55% of the population and women make up 44.17%.

games gender 8.11.14

We’ll next look at how the percentage of women and men break down through age.

games age gender 8.11.14Compared to last year, the percentages of the population has shifted much older, especially women. Here’s the above data in its raw form.

games age gender raw 8.11.14

Relationship Status

This statistic has changed a lot since last year with many more options available to choose from. The percentages have shifted to the new categories, but it’s not easy to compare the two. What has stood out to me in the new stats is the amount of women divorced or separated, but there’s an even greater number married compared to the men.

games relationship 8.11.14

And for those that like pie charts.

games relationship pie chart 8.11.14


Like relationships, the education choices have expanded, so it’s difficult to compare it to last year.

games education 8.11.14

Gender Interest

This category too has expanded with more choices than ever before. But, compared to last year, it looks like there’s been a slight decrease in those interested in the same sex.

games gender interest 8.11.14


Facebook Fandom Spotlight: Dungeons & Dragons 8/26/2013

A few weeks back I took a look at who the Gamers were in the lead up to Gen Con. I decided to look at a subset of that for this Facebook Fandom Spotlight, fans of Dungeons & Dragons.

The list was long but included game terms, settings, modules, famous characters, monsters, classes and more. Overall the list was long and exhausted everything I could find on Facebook. For this report, we’ll compare it matched up to the previous larger set of gamers.

Facebook Population: Over 2,400,000 in the United States

The fandom for Dungeons & Dragons is about a third of the gamer population, not too shocking and about what I’d expect. Spanish speakers account for now 112,000 fans, 4.67% in the United States that’s a bit lower than the gamer fandom.

Gender and Age

Gamers skewed a bit more towards men compared to comic fans (61.54%), but fans of Dungeons & Dragons put both of them to shame. Male fans of D&D accounted for 78.33% of the population.

D&D Fans

d&d gender 8.26.13

For many of the breakdowns we’ve seen women become the majority of fans as age increases, a quirk of Facebook’s demographics. This isn’t the case of D&D fans, showing the gender gap even more in comparison.

D&D Fans

d&d gender age 8.26.13

Below is the raw data of above.

D&D Fans

d&d age gender raw 8.26.13

Relationship Status

Compared to gamers, fans of D&D are very similar. There’s a bit more that are single and a bit more that are “in relationships” both taken from the “married” designation.

D&D Fans

d&d relationship 8.26.13

And for those that like pie charts.

D&D Fans

d&d relationship pie chart 8.26.13


D&D fans percentage wise are more “college grads” than the average gamer, with slightly less “in college” and “in high school.” With the age breakdown shifting a little older, this isn’t surprising.

D&D Fans

d&d education 8.26.13

Gender Interest

And in a twist from the greater gamer population, there’s more men interested in men and vastly more men interested in women. Both are likely due to the imbalanced breakdown in gender.

D&D Fans

d&d gender interest 8.26.13