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White Wizard Games Announces $100,000 Epic Card Game World Championship

Epic World ChampionshipWhite Wizard Games has announced their new $100,000 Epic Card Game World Championship. They launched Epic Card Game last year with a half-million-dollar Kickstarter and nearly 12,000 backers. The biggest piece of feedback they have gotten from their community is that they want more players to know about this awesome game! What better way to get players excited about a new game than giving away $100,000? Epic Card Game was designed and developed by Rob Dougherty and Darwin Kastle, two Magic the Gathering Hall of Famers and Pro Tour champions who want to provide large organized play events and big prizes to grow a strong player community.

Epic was designed to provide a full trading card game style experience at a fraction of the cost. The one thing Epic was missing was high-end events to inspire players to build the best-possible constructed decks and to push their strategies in awesome limited formats like dark draft. This high-end play doesn’t just benefit the competitive tournament player, it also provides a wealth of internet content like cool deck lists that casual players can build and try at home or in a local casual event.

Qualifiers for the Epic World Championship will be taking place throughout the year at major gaming conventions and large game stores. Players will have a chance to compete and win one of 64 coveted entries to the Epic World Championship in November 2016, where everyone will receive a cash prize and one person will win $25,000 and the title of World Champion! All told, $100,000 in cash will be awarded at Epic Worlds. There will be plenty of fun events open to the public as well. Epic World Championship Qualifiers will start at SXSW Gaming in March, and continue with events at Origins Game Fair, Connection, GenCon, PAX Prime, Dragon Con, and more.

The World Championship will be held in the Boston area (Framingham) on Nov 18-21. Running alongside the Epic World Championship Series, they will also be running the new Star Realms Legend Series Tournaments where winners will be become characters in future expansions of the super popular space combat deckbuilding game.

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