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WizKids Delivers the The Rise & Fall of Anvalor, Their New Board Game Based on Age of Sigmar

Games Workshop has revealed their newest licensed game from WizKids, the new board game set in the Age of SigmarThe Rise & Fall of Anvalor. Here’s the story so far…

“Many previous attempts to build a lasting fortification at Anvalor have failed. Its strategic location on the Great Parch, a particularly arid region of Aqshy, the Realm of Fire, is of supreme importance. However, each new effort to establish a significant foothold has also irked a new foe, an enemy who rises to the challenge of thwarting the attempt. Equally distant from Anvilgard, Hammerhal Aqsha and the City of Brimstone, the competing factions of those great cities have put their quarrels aside and committed to a final push to rebuild Anvalor together. Whoever can secure the new stronghold will also dominate the Great Parch, significantly strengthening their influence in all the Mortal Realms.”

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The Rise & Fall of Anvalor is for 1-4 player game with games lasting about one hour. Players compete to gather the most influence in Anvalor to dominate and cause the city’s downfall. The player with the most influence wins!

There are six playable factions, the famous Aqshian rivals, the Hammers of Sigmar and the Khornate legions of Khorgos Khul, the Vorstarg Fyreslayer Lodge and the Order Serpentis.

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