Tag Archives: bill crabtree

Dead of Winter: Good Good Dog Preview

Dead of Winter: Good Good Dog

(W) Kyle Starks
(A/C) Gabo
(CA) Brian Hurtt with Bill Crabtree
Age Rating: Mature Themes
Genre: Horror/Comedy
Price: $14.99
Page Count: 112

From the tabletop smash hit comes this new comic series starring your favorite characters from Plaid Hat Games’ DEAD OF WINTER, written by Kyle Starks (the Eisner Award-nominated Sexcastle), and illustrated by Gabo (The Life After). In the pantheon of superheroes, none are more loveable and loyal than everyone’s favorite good ol’ dog, Sparky. Surviving in the wintery apocalypse of the undead, this former TV show stunt dog turned zombie killing machine just wants to make friends and be a good boy. As his fellow survivors scavenge for supplies in the frigid wasteland, will Sparky be able to protect his companions from threats both undead and otherwise? Collects issues #1-4 from the “Good Good Dog” storyline from DEAD OF WINTER!

Dead​ of​ Winter​ Volume​ One Out in April

Dead​ of​ Winter​ Volume​ One

(W)​ Kyle​ Starks​ (A)​ Gabo​ (CA)​ Brian​ Hurtt​ with​ Bill​ Crabtree

From​ the​ tabletop​ smash​ hit​ comes​ this​ new​ ​comic​ series​ starring​ your​ favorite​ characters​ from Plaid​ Hat​ Games’​ DEAD​ OF​ WINTER,​ written​ by​ ​Kyle​ Starks (the​ Eisner​ Award-nominated Sexcastle),​ and​ illustrated​ by​ Gabo​ (The​ Life​ After).​ In​ the​ pantheon​ of​ superheroes,​ none​ are more​ loveable​ and​ loyal​ than​ everyone’s​ favorite​ good​ ol’​ dog,​ Sparky.​ Surviving​ in​ the​ wintery apocalypse​ of​ the​ undead,​ this​ former​ TV​ show​ stunt​ dog​ turned​ zombie​ killing​ machine​ just wants​ to​ make​ friends​ and​ be​ a​ good​ boy.​ As​ his​ fellow​ survivors​ scavenge​ for​ supplies​ in​ the frigid​ wasteland,​ will​ Sparky​ be​ able​ to​ protect​ his​ companions​ from​ threats​ both​ undead​ and otherwise?​ Collects​ issues​ #1-4​ from​ the​ “Good​ Good​ Dog”​ storyline​ from​ DEAD​ OF​ WINTER!

4/18/18​ |​ 112​ pgs​ |​ Softcover,​ 6×9​ |​ Mature​ Themes​ |​ Horror/Comedy​ |​ $14.99

Dead of Winter #4 Preview

Dead of Winter #4

(W) Kyle Starks
(A/C) Gabo
(CA) Brian Hurtt with Bill Crabtree
Age Rating: Mature Audiences
Genre: Horror/Comedy
Price: $3.99
Page Count: 32

The epic conclusion of the thrilling tale based on the smash-hit board game DEAD OF WINTER.

In this, the most thrilling of chapters, our heroes descend upon a police station to save a captured comrade, an apocalyptic psychotic goes to war against everyone, zombies zombies everywhere, and, yes, sweet friends, your new favorite hero, Sparky the Super Dog saves the day and we all learn not only what it takes to be a hero but exactly why that dog hates zombies so much.

Dead of Winter #3 Preview

Dead of Winter #3

(W) Kyle Starks
(A/C) Gabo
(CA) Brian Hurtt with Bill Crabtree
Age Rating: Mature Audiences
Genre: Horror/Comedy
Price: $3.99
Page Count: 32

The zombie apocalypse keeps on keeping on.

Our heroes have escaped the clutches of the terrifying and psychopathic Officer Friendly, but is he hot on their tails? You bet he is, and hiding in that mall isn’t going to do the trick.

Part three of the exciting adaptation of the popular Plaid Hat boardgame continues with zombies, explosions, drunk mall santas, terrifying situations and a sweet precious dog that always saves the day.

Also, Sparky gets a samurai sword.

Dead of Winter #2 Preview

Dead of Winter #2

(W) Kyle Starks
(A/C) Gabo
(CA) Brian Hurtt with Bill Crabtree
Age Rating: Mature Themes
Genre: Horror/Comedy
Price: $3.99
Page Count: 32

Stuck in the freezing Zombiepocalypse that is Dead of Winter, how could things get any worse for our intrepid heroes? How about they get blown up and “rescued” by a drunk mall Santa? How about being held captive in a police station by an insane police officer while it slowly becomes overrun by the zombie menace? That’s being stuck between rock and a hard place, friends!

Oni Press’ Dead of Winter #4 this November



In this, the most thrilling of chapters, our heroes descend upon a police station to save a captured comrade, an apocalyptic psychotic goes to war against everyone, zombies zombies everywhere, and, yes, sweet friends, your new favorite hero, Sparky the Super Dog saves the day and we all learn not only what it takes to be a hero but exactly why that dog hates zombies so much.

NOVEMBER 15 / 32 Pages / Mature / Humor, Horror / $3.99

The Sixth Gun is Coming for Savage Worlds!

The Sixth Gun Roleplaying GameOni Press has announced a partnership with Pinnacle Entertainment Group, creators of the award-winning, best-selling Savage Worlds roleplaying game system. The companies are developing a licensed tabletop RPG based on the critically acclaimed ongoing series The Sixth Gun, by writer Cullen Bunn, artist Brian Hurtt, and colorist Bill Crabtree.

Bunn is a long time RPG player himself and collects games. The comic has a mix of genres including fantasy, horror, action, and—of course—gunslingers a-plenty. The series has created an in-depth world, perfect for the gaming experience.

Debuting for retail later in 2015, The Sixth Gun roleplaying game launches a Kickstarter starting on May 26th, to give fans of both The Sixth Gun comic and tabletop gaming an opportunity to pre-purchase the game with exclusive incentives and gaming accessories related to The Sixth Gun RPG. The highest tier reward, True Fan of The Sixth Gun ($600, limited to 5), offers backers one of everything, plus a few cool extras which aren’t possible in normal distribution channels—like the chance to play in a game at Gen Con Indianapolis Game Mastered by Cullen Bunn! For backers looking solely for digital game content, the reward tier is $25.